Dreamy ethereal scene of a girl catching butterflies in a wild meadow.

Low resolution sample – 4K version available

A dreamy, summer, ethereal scene of an out of focus, young girl in a wild flower meadow trying to catch butterflies with a pink net. She is briefly joined by a young boy and then they both walk away, just as a butterfly enters the foreground of the scene. 4K locked tripod shot. (Ref. Misc 207)

Royalty free 4K stock footage available for purchase exclusively at Pond5:

A moorhen and jackdaws feed at the side of a lake – close up.

Low resolution sample – 4K version available

A close up shot of a moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) feeding at the side of a lake it then spreads its wings and runs off chasing some jackdaws (Corvus monedula). A jackdaw takes over feeding until the moorhen runs back ands chases it off again. 4K locked tripod shot. (Ref. Bird 121)

Royalty free 4K stock footage available for purchase exclusively at Pond5: